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A little day trip

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 3:41 am
by principiab
We took a little ride in our dune buggy Sunday. Decided to go as far up Sulphur Mountain Canyon Road (Ojai) as we could. Though it used to go all the way through and over to Casitas Springs, it's now gated so you can't drive over, but you can walk or bike. We weren't prepared - like I said, just out for a little "putt", so didn't walk too far. But let me tell you - it was WORTH IT! Talk about "on a clear day you can see forever"!!!!!


You can see Anacapa and Santa Cruz through the trees (below)



Mansion on the hilltop - somebody said it's Larry Hagman's house - the views were incredible.  We could be clear out to Santa Barbara ISLAND and Catalina - San Nicholas, too - which is over 75 miles away!


Views on the other side - looking toward Ojai


The pictures loaded out of order - this is the view from the mansion - you can see Santa Cruz on the right and Anacapa just to the right of the big tree.  Unfortunately - since I took these with my camera phone - you can't see SB Island or Catalina in this picture, but they were out there and it was truly breathtaking!


Connie & Lynn Breedlove

Member 1634
Santa Paula, CA 




A little day trip

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 6:35 am
by Lee-Hoffer
Very cool! Great views!

A little day trip

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 4:51 pm
by louisb
Great photos!


A little day trip

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 3:24 am
by principiab
Not bad considering they were taken with my phone's camera! As I said, it was spur of the moment and had no idea of the views we'd be experiencing!