To the Board of Directors and membership

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To the Board of Directors and membership

Post by 1856 »

October 5, 2009 To all The time spent crafting the formation of the Manx Club has been a positive experience for me. Teaming with the Board we have overcome many daunting tasks that ultimately lead to the development of this Club. I am optimistic that the Club is on a sustainable track. There will be a number of tangents ahead that could divert our energy from the defined purpose. The first thought to strategizing the resolve should be our By-laws, it defines our “Purpose” starting with “Pleasure” and ends with “… the sustainability of the Manx Club”. Keeping these two simple elements in mind are the essential Keys to the Club’s sustainable. My term as President of the Board of Directors has about run its course. I feel humbled to have been again nominated to serve on the Board. However I respectfully decline the nomination. There are great caring folks that have been nominated to the Board and I look forward to their direction. There are several administrative tasks I would like to continue. The Club has been assigned the California Non Profit (501c7) status. We have received a notice of “Application Completeness” for the Club’s Federal tax exemption status. The IRS should complete the process, in four to six months. Then we apply for the California tax exemption status which will be streamlined with the completion of the Federal process. This will fulfill my administrative tasks and complete the legislative requirements for the Club. It is likely that this administrative task will not be completed when my term expires so have asked the Board to be authorized to complete this final task. Respectfully, Mark Bryant Manx Club Member President 2007 - 2010
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